the virtual wine tasting group to develop your palate, heighten your knowledge, and grow your appreciation of wine and food

bringing you a brand new concept

Let's take your wine appreciation to the next level! TEG Tasting Table is a highly interactive virtual wine tasting group, designed to develop your palate, heighten your knowledge, and grow your appreciation of wine and food. In this new wine tasting-forward virtual class series, we will feature one broad region each class, and taste 2 wines together. We will preselect the wines in advance, and each member will receive a direct shipment of the 2 wines. Each session will be about 1 hour long, and be an opportunity to learn about proper serving of the wines, the terroir and unique characteristics of our featured region, and hone your tasting technique. 

2025 Schedule & Pricing

Registration will CLOSE 3 weeks before each class to allow us time to get your wines shipped.

May 5 - Greece

Greece has the longest history of viticulture in the world, dating back over 4000 years. That said, no Old World country has ascended so quickly in quality of wine than Greece. Known for both white and red wine, we will explore the uniqueness of viticulture on the island of Santorini and how the savory whites express a sense of place and provide great enjoyment. The red wines are complex yet delicious, balancing rustic with fruit intensity. 


July 21 - Argentina & Chile

Argentina and Chile both represent the highest quality of wine in the Southern Hemisphere. These regions are both defined by the Andes Mountains, which separates them. High elevation, intensely concentrated mountain fruit in Argentina (with rich, expressive red wines), and the cooler maritime climate of Chile (with a broad range of grape varieties planted with different styles of wines). 


November 3 - France

Widely considered a standard bearer for quality and pedigree, France offers amazing diversity in wine style, quality, and value. All of their wines are produced at a high level offering a lot of opportunities to explore. We will explore the uniqueness of the wine regions and identify two that are exceptional in representing quality and value. Our goal is to demystify wines from France. 


$147 per class

what's included:
  • 2 bottles of pre-selected wines

  • wine shipping

  • 1 hour virtual tasting group class led by George Staikos

  • 2+ suggested recipes

  • additional resources

Join our community of wine enthusiasts today!


  • Food pairing recipes are back! We will be providing a few diverse food pairing ideas each class to add to the experience. You are not required to make the recipes we provide, though. You may cook them as is, use them as inspiration, or choose something else entirely. We do suggest starting the class tasting the featured wines without the influence of food, then integrating any food you may have prepared after we get the ball rolling.

  • We are calling this a class, though it will have a different feel than our virtual classes in the past. This will be a rich and highly interactive learning experience, and will be an opportunity for wine enthusiasts to collaborate and analyze the same wine as a tasting group would.

  • Our virtual classes in the past, while being interactive and conversational, were largely lecture-based. In those programs we discussed wine themes in a broader sense, and in TEG Tasting Table we are taking the theme of “regions” or “terroir” and taking it to the next level by all tasting the same wines and connecting those wines back to class discussion about that region’s terror.

    In short, we are going from a lecture style class with time for questions, to limited “lecture” time with the emphasis on collaboratively tasting our wines together in a more casual peer-lead atmosphere.

  • You can expect to come away with a deeper understanding of how to taste and evaluate wine, in turn gaining greater insight on where the wines are produced. You can also expect to meet and interact with many like-minded fellow wine enthusiasts!

  • We will pre-select 2 wines for each class. They will get shipped to all TEG Tasting Table registrants within 1-2 weeks prior to each class.

    The cost of wine and shipping is all covered in your registration cost; there are no hidden fees.

  • If the people joining you for the class will be in the same location as you (from the same device), they do not have to register separately. Your registration is good for one Zoom link, and whoever is there to enjoy the class with you is covered in that. *Keep in mind that we are only sending one bottle each of the two featured wines.

    If you’ve told other people about the class, and they want to join you (virtually), but in a separate location, they will need to register separately. We do check the names of of everyone joining our Zoom call and refer to the registrations.